Du Nouveau ZeekRewards

ZeekRewards Offers You...
Four Ways To Earn

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  1. ZAP Commissions: Earn 20% on all personally referred customers retail bid pack purchases on Zeekler.com
  2. Your Retail Store: Earn the difference between your wholesale discounted price and the retail price listed in your retail store. No inventory, no hassels, no "garage qualifying". Simply promote your link and earn monthly margin checks on any purchases made by your customers without any of the headaches on every purchase made.
  3. The Compounder: As a Premium, qualified affiliate who places one FREE AD every day can earn up to 125% on every bid purchased through the ZeekRewards Compounder. PLUS up to 10% on your personally sponsored affiliates and 5% on your 2nd generation affiliates purchases.
  4. The 2x21 Matrix: Earn up to $3.50/month on every paid subscriber in your 2x21 Forced-fill matrix...residually!